We Endorse Kamala Harris

InformedFED » Articles » We Endorse Kamala Harris

Our Political Background

We endorse Kamala Harris because Democracy matters. For over a decade, our group has refrained from expressing political opinions, focusing instead on federal employee pay, benefits, and employment due process—all of which were attacked by Mr. Trump. We largely remained silent, ignoring politics, and focusing on the impact of the issues.  Now, the stakes are too high to remain silent. Some of us still affiliate with the Republican Party, while like so many others, many of us left the Republican party due to Trump. Some of us are moderate Democrats, but none identify as far-right liberal Democrats. However, what unites us is our unanimous complete support and endorsement of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Why We Endorse Kamala Harris and Tim Walz

InformedFED consultants were all once federal employees. Many of us are military veterans, and some still serve. Some of our relatives, all born of immigrants or immigrants themselves, were at Pearl Harbor while others stormed the beaches at Normandy and Pointe Du Hoc and still others served in Vietnam.  Many of use served in the War on Terrorism. We all believe in democracy and the Constitution—two things Trump has directly and provably disavowed. We have all taken sworn oaths to the United States Constitution and believe in democracy. For these reasons, we cannot support Trump. Indisputably, Trump represents a direct threat to our democracy and singularly embodies everything detrimental to our country. This is not an opinion, but a factual conclusion based on Mr. Trump’s own words, admissions, and actions. While Trump supporters may dismiss all evidence, America cannot afford to be so dismissive.

Our endorsement of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz is not based on policy differences, even those affecting federal employees. Mr. Trump has not offered any policy positions, as the recent presidential debate clearly demonstrated (unless hatred and threats is considered a policy). Even if he had presented coherent policy proposals, the argument for Harris and Walz would otherwise transcend any policy differences. The choice is between Trump’s hatred, anarchy, chaos, and fascist beliefs, or democracy. In our opinion, democracy must win. This is perhaps the purest election of our lifetimes, literally a binary choice between good and evil, or democracy and fascism. Therefore, the choice is clear. We are compelled, by our Constitutional Oath’s and our patriotism, to vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz and ask you do the same.

We urge all federal employees to vote for Kamala Harris on election day. If not for the altruistic reason of democracy, then for your own self-interests concerning your pay, benefits, employment due process, and daughters.

We support Kamala Harris for President.


The contents of this website (InformedFED.com) are intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions. Consultants at InformedFED are not attorneys. They are senior level practitioners of employee labor relations and EEO. The contents of this website, and the posting and viewing of the information on this website, should not be construed as, and should not be relied upon for, legal or employment advice in any particular circumstance or situation. The information presented on this website may not reflect the most current legal or regulatory developments. No action should be taken in reliance on the information contained on this website and we disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the contents of this site to the fullest extent permitted by law. InformedFED is comprised of independent senior level practitioners and consultants who are not employees of InformedFED.