Employees should understand that just as the affected employee can serve discovery requests upon the agency, the agency can serve discovery requests upon the affected employee.
Union Representative: Good or bad idea?
There is a prevailing theory that it is better to have a union representative (also commonly referred to as “union steward”), than not have a union representative, given such a need. We are certainly proponents of labor organizations and their…
Douglas Factors in Federal Employment
In determining a penalty in an adverse action, an agency should consider a number of factors. Among the many considerations are the “Douglas Factors” in certain situations. If the agency fails to make these considerations or is otherwise unable to prove…
Duty of Fair Representation and Federal Employees
Typical Duty of Fair Representation Inquiry Typical inquiries concerning the issue or concept of Duty of Fair Representation involves claims that the local union is incompetent, not active, or at the worst, corrupt. Such claims are actually not unusual. Many…
Leave Without Pay (LWOP) and OWCP Claims
Leave Without Pay (LWOP) in connection with Office of Worker’s Compensation Claims (DOL OWCP) is a source of confusion for federal employees, as well as agencies. In our experience, this is largely due to a number of misperceptions of affected employees…
Consultant or Attorney? It’s your choice.
The decision to engage the services of a consultant or attorney, or even relying on a union representative, arises often with serious federal workplace issues and personnel actions. When facing an adverse personnel action (such as removal, demotion, etc.), or…
Federal Employee Retirement (After Being “Fired”)
Federal employee retirement benefits are often an enigma. From annuity calculations, supplemental benefits, deferrals, the role of social security, and a host of other questions we receive. However, one of the most requests we receive is whether an employee loses…
Resignation and Crime Provisions in Federal Service
Resignation and crime provisions do not conflict. You can resign from your position at any time and do not need agency approval to resign.
EEOC PCI : Preliminary Case Information Order
As of the publication date of this article, the EEOC PCI process is a relatively new development that will affect all case processing.
Grievance Presentation
Grievance Presentation by federal and state level unions rely on negotiated grievance procedures primarily for contract enforcement.
Grievance Timeliness Issues in the Workplace
Grievance timeliness is often misunderstood by (particularly new) union representatives and employees. Yet, it is a critical factor.
Proving Delivery
In Morgan v. Department of Veterans Affairs, 108 LRP 7740 , EEOC No. 0120080380 (EEOC OFO 2008), a tracking slip showing a notice of right to file was left at a complainant’s doorstep. However, it was not conclusive evidence the complainant actually received the notice on that day.
Performance Awards & Negotiable Aspects
In general, awards in the federal service are not considered an entitlement. That statement is the prevailing guiding principle. However, in 1997 the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued significant rules deregulating performance management systems and related awards.
Should You Resign From Your Position?
“Last week they [federal agency] decided to fire me. Should I resign my position? If I resign, what will show in my OPF?”
Support of Black Lives Matter in Federal Workplace
The guidance places the Office of Special Counsel at odds with the White House concerning the official government view of BLM.