Tag: removal

The Evidence File

The term “evidence file” has many applications in the administration of certain personnel actions in the spectrum of federal employee and labor relations.  “The evidence file” is often associated with a disciplinary (suspension of 14 days or less, reprimand, admonishment) or…

The Initial Decision

The Initial Decision by a Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) judge is a ruling made by a presiding administrative law judge that addresses a complaint or appeal filed by a federal employee or applicant for federal employment. The MSPB is…

The Initial Case Assessment

We often receive inquiries from prospective clients who are involved in some type of administrative personnel litigation and are confused.  This confusion typically relates to the unfamiliarity and complexity of certain actions such as a proposed removal or disciplinary action,…

Federal Agency Discovery Requests

Employees should understand that just as the affected employee can serve discovery requests upon the agency, the agency can serve discovery requests upon the affected employee.

Federal Employee Retirement (After Being “Fired”)

Federal employee retirement benefits are often an enigma. From annuity calculations, supplemental benefits, deferrals, the role of social security, and a host of other questions we receive. However, one of the most requests we receive is whether an employee loses…

“In Lieu Of” Removal in Federal Service

Federal employees faced with removal possess the ability to resign prior to the effective date of the removal action.  Employees otherwise eligible for retirement maintain the ability to retire prior to and after the effective date of removal.