During his presidential campaign, President-Elect Trump claimed he disavowed Project 2025 and “knew nothing” about it. As he rarely remembers how he lied last time, Trump has since reversed course and now admits he knew about Project 2025 and the…
The Initial Decision
The Initial Decision by a Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) judge is a ruling made by a presiding administrative law judge that addresses a complaint or appeal filed by a federal employee or applicant for federal employment. The MSPB is…
Bruner Presumption
An adverse action may assist a federal employee in applying for FERS disability. This is generally referred to as the “Bruner Presumption”.
Federal Employee Retirement (After Being “Fired”)
Federal employee retirement benefits are often an enigma. From annuity calculations, supplemental benefits, deferrals, the role of social security, and a host of other questions we receive. However, one of the most requests we receive is whether an employee loses…
Resigning from Federal Service Process
During and following the massive debacle of the “Trump Shutdown”, we received a large number of inquiries. Among the most prevalent inquiries we received concerned resigning from Federal Service (going to private sector), particularly when Human Resources personnel were not…