Tag: probationary

Advice for New Federal Employees

Recently, I shared some advice for new federal employees. This advice was the same counsel I provided to my daughter when she embarked on her federal career. My intention was to establish a baseline of knowledge for her, a new…

Proving Delivery

In Morgan v. Department of Veterans Affairs, 108 LRP 7740  , EEOC No. 0120080380 (EEOC OFO 2008), a tracking slip showing a notice of right to file was left at a complainant’s doorstep.  However, it was not conclusive evidence the complainant actually received the notice on that day. 

Probationary Employee? Maybe Not.

Consultants from InformedFed experienced an increase in the number of cases in which a federal employee receives notice of  probationary period termination, but is in fact not an employee on probation.