Typical Duty of Fair Representation Inquiry Typical inquiries concerning the issue or concept of Duty of Fair Representation involves claims that the local union is incompetent, not active, or at the worst, corrupt. Such claims are actually not unusual. Many…
Tag: Unfair labor practice
Grievance Presentation
Grievance Presentation by federal and state level unions rely on negotiated grievance procedures primarily for contract enforcement.
Proving Delivery
In Morgan v. Department of Veterans Affairs, 108 LRP 7740 , EEOC No. 0120080380 (EEOC OFO 2008), a tracking slip showing a notice of right to file was left at a complainant’s doorstep. However, it was not conclusive evidence the complainant actually received the notice on that day.
When to Contact a Consultant
When should I contact a consultant? Should I wait until the Agency proposes an action or makes a decision?” What about for an EEO Complaint?
Union Membership Solicitation in Workplace
Question: “Can a [federal] union official solicit union membership during duty hours or official time?” Response: Rarely is the Federal Labor Relations Authority (FLRA) as clear on other questions as they are with this question. Unless your Master Agreement or other negotiated…