Consulting Fees

Updated December 1, 2024

At InformedFED we fully disclose consulting fees from the start, whether a flat rate service or hourly retainer. We understand costs are a serious concern to potential clients, as they would be for us.  This is why InformedFED consulting fee’s are posted on this site. We also do not require a large financial commitment (retainer).  Clients simply secure the services needed and remain in full control of all costs. We hope this consulting fee structure simplifies the decision making process for potential clients. Questions about consulting? click here. To request a no obligation consultation, click here. As always, initial consultations are without charge or obligation. Initial consultations require up to 30 minutes, so be prepared to answer serious questions as we determine whether our services will prove of value to you in your specific situation.

At this time we are not directly accepting clients from the Veterans Administration (VA). If you are a bargaining unit member, please contact your local union or the National VA Council.  Non-bargaining unit members should seek other appropriate counsel.

Please note: your consultant will assess your specific facts and circumstances and provide a personalized estimate of the number of hours recommended (or flat rate service) to perform the scope of services requested under the publicized consulting fee structure.  You are never under obligation and neither are we. We also reserve the right to not accept clients.

InformedFED Consulting Fee Structure

  • Consulting Fees published for all prospective clients.
  • Initial Consultation
    • No Charge (30 minutes)
      • The purpose of the initial consultation is to assess your situation and determine which concerns may be actionable from our perspective and whether our services and consulting fees will provide value to you.  Initial consultations typically last up to 15-30 minutes and may involve a short document review during the consultation.
  • Hourly Rate
    • $175 hourly rate (4 hr minimum)
      • Our consultants bill on an hourly basis (minimum of 4 hour retainer), with no obligation on your part to commit to large or ongoing retainers. This provides the client maximum flexibility in structuring services to their needs in consideration of costs. However, there may be exceptions in certain cases as determined by the consultant.  For example, if the scope of work is clearly expected to exceed the minimum retainer and we believe we cannot meet client minimum expectations within the minimum retainer. Otherwise, you simply retain a consultant for the amount of hours you believe needed or as agreed to in discussion with a consultant.  There is no obligation other than the minimum retainer (case dependent). Our hourly rate is all inclusive and there are no hidden fees.  Time is billed in 1/10th hr increments (6 minute increments).
      • Consultants are not obligated to accept cases or clients under any circumstances.
  • SF-50 Document Review (Notification of Personnel Action)
    • $125 Flat Rate Fee
    • Normally two business day turn around
      • Primarily used to resolve questions concerning the coding of an SF50 (documentation of a personnel action).
      • This flat rate fee provides direct review of up to three SF-50’s (sometimes multiple SF-50’s need to be reviewed to determine the accuracy of the SF-50 in question).
      • Typical applications include accuracy review, interpretation of Nature of Action Codes (NOA), legal authorities, employee data, position data, and remarks as well as instructive guidance to obtain corrections or expungements to extent possible.
      • Client is advised via a 30 minute closeout phone conference with consultant following a review of relevant documents.
      • This flat rate consulting fee does not include additional casework. The client may elect to secure a retainer as necessary.
  • EEOC Preliminary Case Information (PCI) Order Assistance
    • $250 Flat Rate Fee
    • Normally three business day turn around
      • This flat fee provides direct assistance with explaining and preparing a response to an EEOC Preliminary Case Information (PCI) Order. Our consultant will explain the purpose and importance of the PCI response and assist the client in preparing the response.
      • This flat rate fee does not include additional casework. The client may elect to secure a retainer as/if necessary.
      • UPDATE: the EEOC appears to have discontinued the use of PCI Orders.
  • Federal Job Application Security / Suitability Review 
    • $325 Flat Rate Fee
    • Normally three business day turn around
      • Concerned about impact of a background check? This flat rate fee provides direct review of your federal application documents by a consultant and a followup 30 minute phone consultation in regard to potential security and suitability issues specifically in connection with submission of the OPM form OF-306 Declaration for Employment and your resume. NOTE: This is not a service applicable to national security clearances. The consultant will review all documents in connection with your application including the associated vacancy announcement (client provides) and consult with you on security and suitability concerns and best methods in handling and responding to these concerns.
      • This flat rate fee does not include additional casework. The client may elect to secure a retainer as/if necessary.
  • “Second Opinion” or Document Review
  • EEOC Prehearing Conference Preparation
    • $400 Flat Rate Fee
    • Normally five business day turn around.
      • This flat fee consists of multiple components including, but not limited to:
        • Briefing on purpose and process of the Prehearing Conference.
        • Identification and clarification of issues based on primary source (Report of Investigation).
        • Discussion of possible stipulations.
        • Review of pending motions that may be discussed and how to address at the conference.
        • Discussion of settlement history and current potential as well as realistic remedies and what to expect if the EEOC Administrative Law Judge directs parties to settlement.
        • Review of witnesses and exhibits.
        • Discussion of logistics as applicable.
        • This flat rate fee does not include additional casework. The client may elect to secure a retainer as/if necessary.
    • This service should occur no less than one week before the scheduled EEOC prehearing conference call. This will allow the client time to make any necessary adjustments.
  • Mediation or Settlement Preparation
    • $400 Flat Rate Fee
    • Normally five business day turn around
      • This service typically applies to mediation or settlement negotiations preparation applicable to matters in EEO, MSPB, arbitration, Last Chance Agreements (LCA), agency ADR programs, alternative discipline options, and grievance resolution.
      • This flat rate provides limited document review in support of any type of mediation or settlement efforts and up to a 60 minute phone consultation to prepare the client for mediation or settlement negotiations with the agency.  This fee also includes  review of any resulting (subsequent) settlement offer or agreement. This service prepares the employee to professionally present their case at mediation or settlement, advises on procedures and processes, conduct at the table, negotiation techniques, Human Resources methods of transacting settlement terms, and finalization of agreements and proposed settlement remedies.
      • This flat rate fee does not include additional casework. The client may elect to secure a retainer as/if necessary.
  • Initial Case Assessment (ICA) (Case Evaluation)
    • $700 Flat Rate Fee
    • Normally ten business day turn around
      • This service typically applies to all aspects of EEO, MSPB, arbitration (union grievance related), administrative grievances, denials (delays) of Within Grade Increases (WIGI), performance related issues, Workers Compensation claims, or FLRA cases such as Unfair Labor Practice Complaints against either federal agencies or federal unions (for example, Duty of Fair Representation (DFR) claims). Matters include (not all inclusive) , pre-complaint and formal complaint at both informal and formal stage of EEO, pre-hearing, EEO PCI Orders, status conferences, EEO Final Agency Decisions (FAD) and Final Agency Notices, agency proposed adverse actions (all suspensions, removals, and demotions), agency proposed disciplinary actions (suspensions of 14 days or less), MSPB initial appeals and review of MSPB Initial Decisions, arbitration, Unfair Labor Practice (ULP) complaints, negotiated grievances. We also conduct reviews and provide guidance concerning FERS Disability retirement applications and Worker’s Compensation claims.
      • This service may also be for you if you are wondering whether your Federal or State employer has discriminated against you; whether you are eligible for FERS disability retirement; how to respond to a proposed disciplinary action (suspension less than 15 days, reprimand, or admonishment), how to respond to a proposed adverse action (i.e., removal from federal employment, demotion, or suspension); or whether you can mitigate a security concern that could lead to the denial or revocation of your personnel security clearance or otherwise render you unsuitable for either Federal or State Service, this service is likely your best option. These meetings are typically 60 minutes but may extend to 90 minutes and are conducted virtually by phone conference and in some cases, via video conference. We review your facts and supporting documents (if any) explain the rule, law, and regulations and how they apply, and advise you on a recommended course of action and explain other options that may also apply. Our objective is to provide you the tools necessary to make an informed decision concerning what course of action to take in your best interest.
      • This flat fee provides a comprehensive review and determination of whether a client’s presented issue(s) is actionable and in what manner and forum and if it appears to cross over, known as a “Mixed Case Appeal or Complaint”.  The ICA or Case Evaluation includes a full review of evidence, phone conference with client to ascertain facts and circumstances, applicable research and application, as well as a closeout phone conference to provide the client with conclusive guidance on how and whether to proceed.  
      • This flat rate fee includes, as applicable, additional casework such as EEO PCI development for submission (Preliminary Case Information order) and finalizing EEO claims for submission at the informal (pre-complaint) stage or the formal (complaint) stage.
      • This flat rate does not include preparing responses to proposed disciplinary or adverse actions, preparing MSPB appeal submissions, or initiating appeals of Final Agency Decisions (FAD) or MSPB Initial Decisions. The client may elect to secure a retainer as/if necessary.
  • Review of Report of Investigation (ROI) in Connection with EEO Complaint
    • $800 Flat Rate Fee
    • Normally a ten business day turn around
      • This flat fee provides a full review of a completed (issued) Report of Investigation (ROI) including analysis of investigated (and amended) claims and evidence in consideration of burdens of proof at either an EEOC hearing, Final Agency Decision (FAD), or settlement negotiations.  Our consultant will conduct a telephone conference to discuss findings and recommendations concerning both the viability and sustainability of your claims in the context of either an elected Final Agency Decision (FAD) or request for an EEOC hearing as well as additional evidentiary options (discovery) prior to hearing. An assessment will also be conducted concerning settlement recommendations.
      • Assess sustainability of claims at hearing in consideration of results of ROI, supplemental discovery, and evidentiary burdens of proof to include assessment of direct and circumstantial evidence.
      • Review and advise on requested remedies in consideration of investigative results of the Report of Investigation.
      • If selecting this option please note that we will need sufficient lead-time to meet the deadlines in electing a FAD or hearing. Under normal circumstances we require a ten calendar day minimum response time from the date we receive all required documents.
      • This flat rate fee does not include additional casework. The client may elect to secure a retainer as/if necessary.
  • Surcharge for Expediting Delivery of Specific Work Products Required Within Five Business Days
    • Surcharge rates vary depending on amount of time afforded consultant to develop product. Consultant determines amount of surcharge applicable.
    • Surcharges are rare in most cases provided the client contacts InformedFED timely.
    • It is critical, for a variety of reasons, that prospective clients do not wait until the last minute to contact us.
      • There are instances in which prospective clients contact us needing a work product (ROI review, Discovery prepared, Initial Case Assessment, EEO complaint structured, etc.) delivered within very short notice. In such instances, a surcharge will be imposed, only with the approval of the client, in connection with that specific requested expedited product. A minimum surcharge of $200 is applicable for any expedited work product as determined by your consultant. Depending on complexity of the expedited work product requested, a surcharge of up to $750 may be required for much more complex work products required on short notice. Once again, such surcharge thresholds are determined by your consultant and requires the approval of the client and advance payment.
      • Typical examples include, but are not limited to,
        • New client requires filing of discovery in an MSPB or EEOC case within five business days of notifying the consultant.
        • New client must submit a formal EEO complaint within five business days.
        • New client requires a complete ROI review within five business days.
        • Client must respond to a deadline within five business days of which he or she previously failed to advise the consultant.
        • Client forgets to inform consultant a written response to a proposed removal is due within five business days.
    • Surcharges are rare and do not affect other aspects of case management such as communications (needing a call or email back same day for example) or normal delivery of finished work products. Surcharges predominantly only affect prospective (new) clients who waited until the last minute to contact us and require expedited work products (typically written or analytical) or otherwise be at risk of missing regulatory or statutory deadlines.


The contents of this website ( are intended to convey general information only and not to provide legal advice or opinions. Consultants at InformedFED are not attorneys. They are senior level practitioners of employee labor relations and EEO. The contents of this website, and the posting and viewing of the information on this website, should not be construed as, and should not be relied upon for, legal or employment advice in any particular circumstance or situation. The information presented on this website may not reflect the most current legal or regulatory developments. No action should be taken in reliance on the information contained on this website and we disclaim all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all of the contents of this site to the fullest extent permitted by law. InformedFED is comprised of independent senior level practitioners and consultants who are not employees of InformedFED.