PROJECT 2025 Federal Employee Pay and Benefits

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Overview of Project 2025

Project 2025 is a comprehensive published “MAGA” initiative created by numerous (former) Trump administration personnel.  Its collation and publication is directly sourced to the Heritage Foundation and aimed at dramatically converting the U.S. federal government in the event of a Trump victory in 2024. A critical component involves replacing existing federal civil servants, not just political appointees, with individuals specifically loyal to former President Donald Trump rather than the Constitutional Oath, as sworn in the Oath of Office appointment affidavit, to which every federal employee declares allegiance. Project 2025 is so caustic, it’s Director resigned after it was was prematurely released.

 Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF)

If implemented, components of the now infamous Project 2025 will specifically target all aspects of federal employee pay and benefits, much in the same way MAGA Republicans proposed in March of 2024.  In fact, the blueprint specifically addresses federal employee pay and benefit cuts beginning at page 74 (thru page 79) of the document (read it yourself).  Further, at page 77, it specifically targets the Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS) stating, 

Although the government pension system has become more like private pension systems, it still remains much more generous, and other means might be considered in the future to move it even closer to private plans.”

Project 2025 at page 77.

Ironically, “private [retirement] plans” largely no longer exist.  This is the goal of “MAGA” (or whatever the “Republican party” is today).  Instead of lifting everyone up to a higher standard, it seeks to lower everyone’s standard as specifically and directly evidenced by their own words in Project 2025.  

Project 2025 has been studied by many organizations including, AFSCME, National Public Radio, Communications Workers of America (CWA), American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE), and many others that you can view for yourself. The bottom line is that the only beneficiaries of this plan are those that pledge loyalty directly to Donald Trump or corporations. Even military veterans are targeted. But then again, trump never respected military veterans. Look what he said about John McCain and Gold Star Families.

Instructive Factual Videos on Project 2025


Do your own research and act accordingly.


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