One of the most common questions we receive concerns the Federal Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) complaint process. Yes, without question, the process can be confusing to the uninitiated. This is why there are numerous published EEO complaint process charts.
Category: Articles
Articles cover the wide range of federal administrative litigation and personnel actions affecting federal employees. Topics include, but are not limited to, federal and public employee discipline, adverse actions, removals, demotions, disciplinary reassignments, EEO, Unfair Labor Practice complaints, grievances, arbitration, and other federal and public sector (State and local) administrative litigation and personnel matters
“In Lieu Of” Removal in Federal Service
Federal employees faced with removal possess the ability to resign prior to the effective date of the removal action. Employees otherwise eligible for retirement maintain the ability to retire prior to and after the effective date of removal.
Probationary Employee? Maybe Not.
Consultants from InformedFed experienced an increase in the number of cases in which a federal employee receives notice of probationary period termination, but is in fact not an employee on probation.
Constructive Suspension in Federal Suspension
An employee’s voluntary absence from duty is never appealable. In all instances of forced leave status (“enforced leave”) resulting in either 1) loss of pay for 14 days or less or 2) “loss” of leave of 14 days or less OR the placement of the employee into a status that….
Overtime Assignments in Federal Employment
Overtime is considered an assignment of work and a management right. However, procedures for distributing overtime have generally been determined to be negotiable.
Performance Standards & Plans Overview
Performance standards and plans are convoluted by years of wrongly held preconceptions by all parties, layers of agency regulations, collective bargaining terms, statutory law, federal regulations, and a body of seemingly confusing and contradictory case law.
Mixed Case or Mixed Appeal EEO Complaint
The world of federal employee labor relations, like other similar fields of practice, is incredibly nuanced. Many times, we are asked the difference in such nuances and mixed cases and appeal definitions are constant questions.
EEO Complaint Process in the Federal Sector
During the past two years, we noticed many federal agencies deviating from a clearly defined, though not stringent, EEO complaint process.
Ward Violation (Due Process in Federal Sector)
A Ward violation (Ward v. USPS, 111 FMSR 183 (Fed. Cir. 02/17/11) occurs when a deciding official considers information not previously noticed to the employee via the proposal notice.
Performance Appraisals: Mid-Year Reviews
Performance evaluations, also called performance appraisals, performance ratings, and performance management, can be controversial for a number of reasons. For example, some agencies directly link performance ratings to performance award amounts, either as a flat rate cash award based on…
Your Official Personnel Folder (OPF)
Take the Time to Check Your Official Personnel Folder Every federal employee should make time to check their Official Personnel Folder (OPF) at least once a year. We also recommend you download a complete copy (it is an option). Since…
When to Contact a Consultant
When should I contact a consultant? Should I wait until the Agency proposes an action or makes a decision?” What about for an EEO Complaint?
When to Settle an EEO Complaint
An EEO Complaint may be settled at any time during the entire process from Informal Counseling (precomplaint stage) to EEOC Hearing. Many Complaints are settled between the formal complaint and the Final Agency Decision (Hadley).
No Right to Authorized Absence Unless…
The issue of authorized absence (also referred by many as excused absence or, administrative leave) can be confusing & discretionary.
Is the Federal EEO Complaint System Fair
Background Question I don’t think the federal EEO Complaint system is fair. I was considering filing a complaint but did some research and found less than 3% of people who file a complaint actually win at hearing. Why is this…
MSPB eFile is a Preferred Method of Filing
The Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) e-file, also known as “efile”, “e-Appeal” or “e-appeal online,” is an electronic method of filing your initial MSPB appeal, Pleadings, Addendum’s, as well as checking your existing case status. It is the most convenient…
MSPB and EEO Discovery Opportunity
MSPB and EEO discovery processes, though complex and laborious, can significantly benefit employees in those forums.
Performance Rating for Federal Employees
We receive many inquiries surrounding a performance rating affecting a federal employee. Some inquiries are ambiguous (i.e., “can they rate me an Excellent?”) and some are very specific (i.e., “what are the minimum number of days of observed performance required?”).…
Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP)
Some confusion often arises concerning leave acquired through the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP).
EEO Claims and Bases Importance
As we discussed in many other articles and tell our clients in every initial briefing concerning EEO complaints, EEO complaints are unknowingly won or lost on initial contact with an EEO Counselor (informal stage).
The “Agency File” MSPB Schedule 752
This article is intended to introduce the concept and purpose of an “Agency File” subsequent to a Merit Systems Protection Board Acknowledgement Order (AO).
EEO Report of Investigation (ROI)
Establishing the Official Case Record Through the EEO Report of Investigation We previously covered the EEO Complaint process, which can be very confusing to the uninitiated. However, to recap in context, the EEO Report of Investigation (ROI) follows the filing…
Excused Absence for Inclement Weather
With the recent outbreak of severe weather, we received many inquiries from federal employees concerning Excused Absence (also called “Authorized Absence” and even “Administrative Leave” by some agencies).
Social Media in Fed Workspace
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, and a host of other social media tools are increasingly becoming a topic of conversation and disciplinary assessment in many Employee and Labor Relations sections. Many social media related issues are beginning to percolate through…
Leverage the EEO Process If Needed
Federal Employees Should Leverage the EEO Process This article is not intended to serve as a treatise on filing an EEO complaint. It is intended to serve as an introduction to why you may want to leverage the EEO process rather than the…